General Safety Advice
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require all employers to appoint one or more competent persons to assist them to comply with their H&S obligations. Nowadays, there is a lot of helpful advice and information available on the internet, not least on the HSE's own website. However, this can sometimes be too general and further advice may be warranted.
No one individual, no matter how many qualifications or years of experience, can 'know it all'. We at NEMS realise this and, whilst we certainly do not proclaim to 'know it all', we do have experience in a wide range of industries and specialisms. If there is anything you are unsure about we may be able to help.
We can provide advice on an ad hoc basis for a fixed fee, or by appointing NEMS as one of your 'competent persons', either on a retainer or T&E basis, in conjunction with any in-house expertise, you can be secure in the knowledge that you are going beyond meeting your minimum legal requirements. For peace of mind, we hold Public liability and Profesional Indemnity Insurance covering all our activities.

Occupational Safety & Health Consultants Register
The UK Government has recently announced the establishment of an 'Occupational Safety & Health Consultants Register'. By utilising the Register, the intention is that clients can be assured that they are obtaining advice from individuals who have been assessed by an independent body and judged to meet a certain level of qualification and competence. NEMS, through Andy Young, is listed on the OSHCR.